
Learning English Videos

English/Persian idioms

Don't say, "I will pay"!


Army Titles

To be or not to be …

George Carlin

US vs. Britain

Shut Your Mouth!

The Older I get: A nice song

Some Persian expressions

American Vs. British English!

پینگ پنگ برای سلامت ذهن


The professor and the pendulums.

We know what will happen when one pendulum swings. But two? 'Oxford Mathematicians and their Toys', episode three, starring Jon Chapman (and the pendulums).

George Carlin

The late George Carlin a funny radical American commedian!

Cyrus the Great

Cyrus the Great and his commandments

15 expressions

15 expressions that make your English outstanding!

How to do a Persian accent?

App for Tarjomeh Farsi

Trevor Noah on racism

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